Grenn Ronin Setting
eorge R.R. Martins A Song of Ice and Fire oder hier zu Lande bekannt als Das Lied von Eis und Feuer ist regelrecht in aller Munde. Nicht nur durch den US-Amerikanischen Sender HBO welcher so feiste Serien wie Deadwood oder Rome zu verantworten hat und sich die Rechte an der Umsetzung des Werkes sicherte sondern auch durch Green Ronin Publishing verantwortlich für Spiele und Hintergrundwelten wie Freeport, Thieves‘ World, Mythic Vistas, Mutants & Masterminds, True20 System / Blue Rose, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Faery’s Tale Deluxe und eben A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying.
Zu den veröffentlichten Schnellstart-Regeln heißt es von den herrenlosen Samurai:
Origins, our first big convention of the summer, is over and it’s time to give you all an update on A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying. On June 21 Green Ronin participated in Free RPG Day and we gave away thousands of copies of a Quick-Start to introduce people to the new game. More were given away at Origins the following weekend. Today we are happy to announce that a PDF of the Ice and Fire Quick-Start is available for free on our website. Now those of you who weren’t able to get a physical copy can check it out.
The game itself is finished and entered layout a couple of weeks back. However, we are revising the release date to October. We had really hoped to debut the game at GenCon, but things always get more complicated when licenses are involved. As fans of the series already know, George R.R. Martin has been hard at work on the next volume, A Dance with Dragons. Basically, there was no way we were going to get in the way of George finishing the book. That, of course, must be his priority. So, we’re going to take a couple of extra months to polish the game and make it look truly spectacular. Then we’ll launch it in grand style. We may release the PDF version of the game earlier, but the printed game will come out in October.
This does not mean that George R.R. Martin fans will leave GenCon empty-handed, however. We will be debuting the Wild Cards campaign setting for Mutants & Masterminds there. We’ll also be giving away the remaining few hundred copies of the Ice and Fire Quick-Start there, so if you want a hard copy get to our booth early in the con.
We’ll be continuing our series of design journals for A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying over the next few months, as well as preview the art and layout. Thanks for your patience. We know it will be worth the wait.
Current Release Schedule
- A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying Quick-Start (Free RPG Day) [Free PDF Available Now]
- A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying (October, 2008)
- Peril at King’s Landing (TBA)
- A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying Campaign Guide (TBA)
Eine Fansite der Serie
Wikipedia zur Buchreihe
Georg Martins Website
HBO Meldung