Endrunde gestartet
hite Wolf zeigt die 4 Finalisten des Hunter Trailer Wettbewerbes. Fans die sich vom neuen Regelwerk der Weißen Wölfe haben inspirieren lassen hatten die Chance ihre Inspiration in Ton und Bild umzusetzen.Im Original steht:
White Wolf is pleased to announce the 4 finalists in the YouTube portion of our Hunter trailer contest. Announced on June 20, as part of the celebrations leading up to the release of Hunter: the Vigil at GenCon – this contest is a chance for fans with vision and creativity to take inspiration from some text and art elements offered by the company and use that to craft their own vision of this next genre in the World of Darkness.
The 4 trailers can be seen at the following links below:
Choice 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwBBXxD1enU
Choice 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBETBGOPXrA
Choice 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYP3OXEG3Qg
Choice 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUd24LlQicEVote for your favorite through the Poll on our White Wolf Live Journal, at the link below.
The Poll will close on Monday September 1, 2008 at Midnight EST.
Details on the Flash Trailer contest will be forthcoming in the next few days!