Welcher Verlag?
hron aus dem Tanelorn Forum fragte nach ob man eine deutsche Regelzusammenfassung zu Unisystem veröffentlichen dürfte, bekam von Edenstudios zur Antwort, dass dies nicht ginge, da es aktuell zwei Übersetzungsanfragen gibt.
George Vasilakos für Edenstudios wörtlich:
Currently we are negotiating two german licenses…
Oha nun brodelt natürlich die Gerüchteküche wer dies nun wohl sein wird. Die Lorp spekuliert auf Prometheus Games. Dies wurde aber mittlerweile dementiert:
Zitat von: Abanasinia am Heute um 14:00
Naja, zumindest kann ich schon mal sagen, dass es nicht wir sind die wegen dem Unisystem verhandeln.
Auf Unisystem basieren Rollenspiele wie All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Angel RPG, Armageddon – The End Times, Army of Darkness, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Conspiracy X, Terra Primate und WitchCraft. Dazu heißt es:
Welcome to the Unisystem.
The Unisystem is set of roleplaying game rules designed for any setting or adventure. From gritty realism to cinematic fantasy, from „low-power“ dark horror to „full-color“ superhuman epics, from normal humans to gods incarnate, the Unisystem provides a foundation to build any gaming experience.
The central design features of the Unisystem are simplicity, comprehensiveness and invisibility.
Simplicity: The Unisystem uses one central game mechanic. Everything is based on that one rule.
Comprehensiveness: The Unisystem was designed to cover any possible roleplaying event or activity, particular in the area of magic, extra-human abilities and other supernatural powers.
Invisibility: The Unisystem is intended to blend into the background and become as unobtrusive as possible. Unlike a number of other game systems, the Unisystem game mechanic is treated as a necessary evil, not an equal (or even most important) component of the gaming experience. After a few sessions, players should focus little attention on the system, while the Story takes center stage.
These pages are intended to showcase supplemental material that enhances the Unisystem. These rules are not specific to any setting, but may be used in any Unisystem campaign. More information on individual Unisystem games and settings may be found by visiting the links above.
Above all, enjoy!
Mir selber würde Witchcraft in Deutsch sehr gelegen kommen…
Im Blutschwerter Forum wird im übrigen gerade an einer Dark Sun Konvertierung nach Unisystems gearbeitet.
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