Freunde des Unisystems haben nun eine internationale Anlaufstelle für ihr System. Wehm Witchcraft, All Flesh must be Eaten oder Conspiracy X ( um ein paar Vertreter der Classic Version des Systems zu nennen) oder die cinematische Version wie Buffy, Angel, Ghosts of ALbion oder Beyond Human ans Herz gewachsen sind und dafür Spielmaterial sucht oder veröffentlichen möchte erhält dort die Möglichkeit. Dazu heißt es: is live!
This is a free fansite for Unisystem; articles, downloads, web links, and a full blown community site with forums for collaboration!
We are accepting sign-ups right now. We are also looking for contributors, editors, and moderators! If you want to step up and help grow, please stop on by and contact us!
Hope to see you around our new community!
Unisystem is licensed from CJ Carella to Eden Studios. Eden Studios has published several licensed properties using the Unisystem RPG in two flavors; Classic and Cinematic. Some Unisystem games of note; All Flesh Must Be Eaten (classic), Conspiracy X (classic), Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG and Angel RPG (cinematic), Ghosts of Albion (cinematic) and Eldritch Skies (cinematic) licensened to and published by Battlefield Press. (.org) is a fansite by fans for fans! We are not affiliated with Eden Studios or any trademark or copyright holders of licensed properties. Trademarks used without permission. None of the publishers, licensees, licensors, copyright holders or trademark holders are responsible for the content on (.org).