D&D 4
Englische Rollenspiel-Nerds können nun genau das machen was Rollenspiel-Nerds am liebsten machen. Vom eigenen Charakter schwärmen. Klar einige können das immer, aber jetzt können die von der Insel sogar eine Reise zur GenCon damit gewinnen. Ja ernsthaft. Die Insulaner werden aufgefordert den Leuten von D&D ne Blase ans Ohr zu labern über ihren Rollenspiel-Charakter. Gut ganz so easy-peasy ist die Marketing Aktion nicht. Gewinnen wird die interessanteste 3.5 Konvertierung zu D&D 4. Dennoch netter Marketing Gag. Dazu heißt es Schwarz auf weiß:
We’re running a competition here in the UK to find the most interesting conversion of a 3rd-edition D&D character into 4th edition.
or other cool prizes, such as a 3-month subscription to D&D Insider or autographed copies of the Players Handbook 2 and Monster Manual 2!
All you need to do is, well, tell us about your character! Interested? Read on!
Here’s how it works. Terms and conditions apply; you can see all the technical details here.First, you tell us about your character. There are a few details about just how to do this; we’ll get to that in a moment. The important bit is that you send us your submission between now and Friday, 12 June 2009. (Oh, another important bit: You must be from the UK or Ireland; this promotion is only open to UK and Republic of Ireland residents.)
Second, our panel of esteemed judges will evaluate all valid submissions and narrow them down to the top eight entries. Who are these esteemed judges? Well, we have Chris Perkins, D&D Creative Manager at Wizards of the Coast, along with Russ Morrissey, owner of EN World, the world’s biggest D&D fan site, and Dave Thompson, a long-time player who works on the sales of D&D here in the UK.
We’ll announce these eight finalists on 22 June, 2009, and each of them will win a 3-month subscription to D&D Insider. The next step is up to you: The public will vote on the eight finalists, narrowing them down to a winner by Wednesday, 1 July. The winner will be officially announced on Friday, 3 July 2009.
If that winner is you, pack your bags: You’re going to Gen Con US in Indianapolis, August 13-16 2009! And the runner up gets an autographed copy of both the Player’s Handbook 2 and Monster Manual 2.