Okay, new subject: possible new Talislanta product(s). I’ve had a couple of discussions with Jerry about possibly running a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for Khepera to publish one or more new Tal products. Nothing serious yet – we’re just talking about some ideas. Some of the possibilities we’ve discussed include: a full-color Tal edition, set in the New Age as per previous editions; or, a new full-color sourcebook covering an earlier era of Tal history, tentatively titled Talislanta: The Savage Land, which would be set in the dark chaotic age that followed the Great Disaster (all knowledge of spell casting lost, no cities or nations, just warring tribes); and/or a Talislanta graphic novel or series of graphic novels (either illustrated versions of some of the Tales of Talislanta, the illustrated Travels of Tamerlin, or something new). Jerry ran a successful Kickstarter campaign for Atlantis, and he told me that he believes a Tal Kickstarter campaign would be even more successful. So, my questions to all of you here on the list: would you take part in a Tal Kickstarter campaign, and if so, which new Tal product(s) would you like to see Khepera publish? All comments and suggestions welcome, pro or con.