Strands of Fate erhältlich
08 Okt 2010

Der Autor

Wenn ich nicht gerade spiele verunstalte ich Medien. Kommt einem zu Gute bei eigenen Rollenspielen wie Malmsturm oder Projekten wie Ratten!, Savage Worlds Gentlemens Edition, Scion, Sundered Skies und ein paar anderen. An und für sich bin ich der Erzählonkel, daher auch die große liebe zu FATE. Manchmal muss es aber auch ein Burger statt Steak sein und so wird gern und oft auch Savage Worlds oder wenn es klasisch sein soll Pathfinder und Konsorten gespielt. Ich probier gern und oft Systeme aus aber die eigentliche Leidenschaft sind die Hintergrundwelten.


fate Logo


Mike McConnell Lead Designer für Void Star Games und Entwickler von Strands of Fate, einem genereischen Regelwerk auf FATE-Basis schreibt das ab sofort das PDF erhältlich is. Im Detail:

Alright guys. It’s done. The PDF for Strands of Fate is live and we are now accepting orders.

But here’s how we’ll have to do it. I literally just finished putting the PDF together. Obviously that means I haven’t gotten things worked out with DrivethruRPG/RPGNow yet. So if you want the book, you can send direct payments though Paypal. And upon receipt of payment I’ll email you a download link to the PDF.

The Paypal account to send money to is shown below as an image. If you want, you can go ahead and order, but I can’t promise you’ll get yours tonight. I’ll be up for about another hour, then I’ll continue filling more orders in the morning. I promise I’ll try to get to you ASAP, but please be patient. This is a manual operation right now.

It’s not an ideal arrangement, but you’ll be able to get it about a week quicker this way.

The PDF will be $10. This buys you the fully bookmarked PDF (with linked table of contents), a printer friendly version, the character sheet and $10 off the price of the hardback when it releases. I’ve been told that I can do coupon codes through Lulu, but worse case scenario, I can just do $10 refunds through Paypal. Your emails will be a record, so don’t trash them.

Either way, if you get the PDF now, the hard cover will be $10 cheaper. If you decide to hold off for now and get the hard cover when it goes live in a few weeks, you’ll get the PDF for free then.

Once again:

Fully Bookmarked and hyperlinked PDF Price: $9.99 (Also gets you $10 off the price of the hard cover.)

Soft Cover Price: $28.99 – Lulu (Should be available in a few weeks.)

Hard Cover Price: $44.99 – Lulu (PDF will be free with hard cover purchase. Should be available in a few weeks.)

If you have any questions, chances are they’ve been answered in this thread. But if you don’t want to wade through 20+ pages, feel free to post here and I’ll try my best to answer you ASAP.


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