kostenloses Spielmaterial
ach der neuesten Ausgabe des Spielemagazines Anduin geht es munter weiter mit einem E-Zine vollgepackt mit Spielmaterial. Aktuell steht Ausgabe 64 des Mongooschen Hausmagazin Signs & Portens zum Download bereit. Neben dem zweiten Teil zur Legacy of War Kampagne im Babylon 5 Universum heißt es:
The start of a New Year – and the latest issue of Signs & Portents is ready, jam-packed full of great gaming material to inspire your campaigns. And best of all, it is still free!
In this month’s issue, we have;
* Press Play – Mongoose writer Bryan Steele continues his monthly mission to bring gamer friendly movies to the masses
* The Legacy of War Part 2 – Simon Beal continues his epic Universe of Babylon 5 campaign for Traveller
* Medic! 2v – More medical matters related to Traveller by Alex Greene
* Body and Spirit – Vincent Darlage gives us an insight into Hyrkanian medicine and religion for the Conan RPG
* Mongoose News – All of the latest Mongoose info
* Dragonmeet 2008 – Sandrine Thirache and Katrina Hepburn bring you all of the news from the Mongoose Stand
* Betrayal At Desolate Mountain – A new scenario for Dragon Warriors by Carl Walmsley
* Optional Beams – An addition for A Call to Arms by Matthew Sprange
* Zephnil – A planetary supplement for Traveller by Dale McCoy Jr