Pro Indie haben eine kleine Umstrukturierung vorgenommen, um etwas mehr Klarheit in die Produktlinien zu bekommen. Unter der Dachmarke Vagrant Workshop werden in Zukunft englischsprachigen Spiele erscheinen. Für die deutschen Bücher wurde das Label ProIndie festgelegt. Es wird also keine englischsprachigen ProIndie-Bücher mehr geben, die laufen nun alle unter Vagrant Workshop. Der Indie Verlag verkündet das er hat heute zwei Lizenzen für Rollenspiele bekommen hat. Itra’s City und Valley of Eternity.Offiziel dazu:
Even if it has appeared to be quiet here for a while, we Vagrants have been busy. Apart from the upcoming release of FreeFate, we’ve been extending our relations to other countries and picked up licenses for two indie games from Norway and Finland.
Itras By is the beginning of a journey away from reality as you perceive it with your everyday senses. The means are elements from surrealism; an art movement from the 20’s which tries to portray the life of the subconscious. The method is roleplaying, a game where a group of people together create and partake in a story. The end is to free the thoughts from their usual patterns. The intention is to liberate impulsiveness and creative power, maybe even rendering everyone a slight bit wiser.
Valley of Eternityis a roleplaying game about everyday heroes and fate as an outcast, reserved for those who are in any way different from their fellows. It is a roleplaying game about penguins, inspired by western movies. While Valley of Eternity is not a game about good vs evil, it features a bit of comedy with serious undertones. Designed mostly for one-shot adventures, Valley of Eternity is a good entry-level roleplaying game with a simple setting and deep meaning.
Stay tuned for more information on these titles. Discuss them in our forums!