Pathfinder Spieltest
ie bereits angekündigt steht nun die finale Version, des Paizo Spieletests zum hauseigenen auf d20 Regeln basierendem Rollenspiel „ Pathfinder“ bereit. Ingesamt 11 Klassen ein Haufen neuer Regeln, die unter anderem aus dem Spieltest resultieren haben ihren Weg in das 125-seitige Werk geschafft.
Weiterhin heißt es dazu:
The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Alpha playtest release 3 represents the final Alpha release before the massive, full-color, softcover Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beta releases this August for $24.99. The Beta will be available on, at Gen Con, as well as through hobby distribution at local game stores. Just like the Alpha releases, the Beta release will be available as a free PDF download on As Wizards of the Coast’s core 3.5 rulebooks are expected to go out of print with the release of 4th Edition, Paizo will use the Pathfinder RPG as a replacement for the 3.5 core rules. The Pathfinder RPG Beta release will represent Paizo’s first published take on an updated 3.5 system, and playtesting will continue through spring 2009, when Paizo will incorporate the open playtest feedback and create a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game hardcover for release August 2009.