OGL belebt
aizo Publishing gab heute bekannt das der Verlag, des kommenden Pathfinder Rollenspiels zwei Lizenzen veröffentlicht hat. Kurz nach der Neuregelung der GSL von Wizards of the Coast reagieren Paizo mit einer Lizenz die es Verlegern erlaubt ihr Produkt für das Pathfinder Regelwerk zu schreiben und zu verkaufen. Ganz nach der Sitte der Open Gaming License (OGL). Anhängern des Rollenspiels ist es mit der zweiten Lizenz erlaubt Inhalte basierend auf Paizos geistigen Eigentum zu schreiben und zu veröffentlichen. Dazu heißt es im Detail:
The Pathfinder Compatibility License will give professional and non-commercial publishers the ability to market products created for use with the upcoming Pathfinder Roleplaying Game with a specially designed logo. While the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is published under the terms of the Open Gaming License (OGL) from Wizards of the Coast, this new license allows publishers to distinctively indicate that their products are compatible with the new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules.
„We are fully behind the OGL that Wizards of the Coast created for the 3.5 version of the world’s most popular roleplaying game,“ said Paizo CEO Lisa Stevens. „The Pathfinder Compatibility License is our way of giving back to a publishing community that has already given so much to the open gaming movement.“
The Paizo Community Use Policy allows non-commercial users to create content compatible with most of Paizo’s products, and to share that content with others. A package of logos, illustrations and other content is available for free to users who sign up for an account on paizo.com and register their content there. Paizo will maintain a registry with links to this community-generated content, allowing easy access to the wealth of material being created by Paizo’s community.
„We have a very enthusiastic community,“ says Victor Wertz, Paizo’s Technical Director. „With this policy, Paizo is making it easier to create original content based on our products, and we’re making it easier for them to find other community-created content.“
For more information on the Pathfinder Compatiblity License, go to paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility. For more information on the Paizo Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse.
Naja, Reaktion? War ja schon sehr lange bekannt, dass Paizo da was macht!