Neue Regeln
ie Küstenmagier haben ihr Lizenzmodell überarbeitet. Seit gestern steht eine neue Version der GSL für D&D 4e bereit. Die GSL (Game System Licence) regelt die Möglichkeit für das Verlegen von Rollenspielen mit dem D&D Regelwerk. Mit Einführung der 4. Edition von D&D wurde die OGl ( Open Game Licence) ad acta gelegt. Im Detail heißt es dazu
Last year, we announced plans to revise the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Game System License (GSL) and System Reference Document (SRD). After many months of work, we are happy to release the revised GSL and SRD today. The updated and revised documents can be found here. Highlights include:
- Removal of section 6, which set terms & conditions for 4e compatible product lines that may have been previously published under the Open Game License (OGL).
- Inclusion of a provision for a „Notice of Termination,“ allowing publishers to end their use of the GSL at their choosing. This includes the addition of a 6-month inventory sell-off period after executing a Notice of Termination.
- Modification to imagery clause that clarifies use of derivative art work.
- Additions to the SRD from Player’s Handbook 2, Monster Manual 2, and Adventurers Vault, including:
- Barbarian, bard, druid, and sorcerer class options;
- Alchemy, alchemical formula template, and alchemical items;
- Vehicles, mounts, and the vehicle template;
- Disease template;
- Demons, devils, rust monster, metallic dragons, duergar, and over 50 other monsters.
We are very excited about the changes and would like to thank the community and publishers for their patience during the revision period. Share your thoughts on the new GSL in the D&D forum.