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This one goes right to the edge, and then one more! Yes, we’ve shipped the highest-numbered Kobold magazine yet, and this one includes both classics and some wildly inventive new RPG meat, including:
- The Ecology of the Vampire
- DM Advice from Mike Mearls, Robin Laws, Jason Buhlman, and more
- The Wish Spell in 4th Edition (absolutely 1st rate rules)
- 4 New PC Races: Minotaur, Bugbear, and more
- The new Pathfinder core class, the Spell-less Ranger
- Monte Cook’s Game Theories
- And tons more!
This issue is packed with great material for Pathfinder, 4E, or any edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game. That’s why KQ won three — count ‚em — three ENnie Awards this year!