Arc Dream Publishing bringen eine erratierte Version ihres Superheldenrollenspiels Godlike herraus. Dazu heißt es:
The paperback edition of GODLIKE: Superhero Roleplaying in a World on Fire, 1936-1946, is now available at the Arc Dream Publishing online store. Each paperback copy comes with a free PDF edition. Get your copy and the PDF today!
The paperback edition of GODLIKE includes extensive revisions, which were paid for thanks to a successful Kickstarter project in 2011. All Kickstarter backers who signed up for print copies should have received theirs by now. If you didn’t, email shane.ivey@gmail.com right away and we will take care of it.
In addition, Allan Goodall (author of Black Devils Brigade and This Favored Land) is hard at work on a standalone GODLIKE adventure that will go out free to Kickstarter backers and will go on sale later to the rest of the world. He’s playtesting it now and we expect to make it available in November or December.
Also in active development: the African campaign Operation Torch and the Normandy campaign Day of Days. We expect to have Torch in playtesting in December or January.