kostenfreies Abenteuer
Fantasy Flight Games haben für ihr Rollenspiel Warhammer in seiner 3 Edition ein 32-seitiges englischsprachiges Abenteuer names „Journey to Black Fire Pass“ als kostenloser PDF-Download online gestellt. Dazu heißt es:
Gunnar Thundrik could feel unkind eyes on him, watching his company’s every move. But he told himself to press on, letting the famous stubbornness of dwarfs renounce his misgivings. He had to find Belkrum, and he would not rest until his brother’s secret was safe in his own hands. Together with his dwarf companions, he ventured further into the gloom of Black Fire Pass, heedless of the goblin rider that watched from above.
Weitere Informationen zum Abenteuer und der Download selbst finden sich auf der Website