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- Uhrwerk bittet um Hilfe
- DisplacerCon 2024 – Ein Muss für alle Pen&Paper-Fans in Herne
- HinterdemCharakterbogen
- Slayers – Deutsche Ausgabe ab dem 10.09 im Crowdfunding
- The Dee Sanction – deutsches Crowdfunding
- Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden – Ein Turbo-Fate-Rollenspiel Crowdfunding am 30.04.2024 um 20:54.
neue Partnerschaft
Cubicle 7 Entertainment kündigt die nächste Partnerschaft an. Diesmal mit Rite Publishing. In dieser Partnerschaft übernimmt Cubicle 7 die Produktion und das Marketing der zu druckenden Produkte des Verlags Rite Publishing. Die Partnerschaft beginnt mit den Produkten Lords of Gossamer and Shadow und Coliseum Morpheuon. Cubicle 7 wächst beachtlich schnell und ich wünsche dem Englischen Verlag alles erdenklich Gute! Zu der Meldung heißt es:
Lords of Gossamer and Shadow is “Powered by Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing.†In this original setting, the player-characters are agents caught up in an immense, multi-dimensional struggle. Born into it, their birthright is one of unimaginable power, and with it… great danger! They will bear unique and idiosyncratic magical artifacts, command legions drawn from the myriad of otherworlds, and wield incredible powers that alter the very substance of reality. They are players in a Machiavellian conspiracy with the greatest of stakes, and arrayed against them are the deadliest of foes… each other!
Coliseum Morpheuon is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible 16th-20th level minisetting/adventure set on the plane of dreams. The setting beckons the player-characters to travel the Realm of Dreams to enter a competition unlike any other. Set against the intrigue-laden setting of the Chimeric Ampitheater, the party will have to survive the contests in the arena – and because they happen in dreams, anything can and will happen!
“I’ve been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and energy that Cubicle 7 brought to the table along with their willingness to accommodate our patronage business model. It’s made me extremely excited and thankful that Rite Publishing have the opportunity to partner with Cubicle 7,†says Steven D. Russell, Head of Rite Publishing. “We’ve been discussing this move since Rite Publishing publicly announced that it had acquired the ‘Powered by Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing’ rights, and we’ve received a large amount of morale and strategic support from Cubicle 7, so it is with pride and great fanfare that I would like to publicly announce our partnership.â€
About Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd
Founded in 2006 Cubicle 7 Entertainment was set up by Angus Abranson and Dominic McDowall-Thomas, two gaming entrepreneurs who wanted to create a games publisher fostering some truly iconic brands. Since then the company has published role playing games from a growing list of properties including Doctor Who, Victoriana, SLA Industries, Starblazer Adventures (based on DC Thomson’s 80’s Starblazer comic series) and 7th Circle’s Chinese fantasy Qin. In June 2009 Cubicle 7 announced it had joined the Rebellion Group, In January 2010, Cubicle 7 announced that they were working with Sophisticated Games to develop a new Lord of the Rings roleplaying game, called The One Ring: The Lord of the Rings Role-playing Game, expected to be published in the second half of 2010
About Rite Publishing
Rite Publishing is a PDF and print-on-demand RPG micropress known for producing high quality patronage projects for Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved and the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game, including Coliseum Morpheuon (PFRPG), The Rituals of Choice Adventure Path (MCAE), and Heroes of the Jade Oath (MCAE). On June 1st 2010, Rite Publishing announced it had met its patronage threshold goal to produce Lords of Gossamer and Shadow a new original setting “Powered by Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing.â€
Uhrwerk bittet um Hilfe
DisplacerCon 2024 – Ein Muss für alle Pen&Paper-Fans in Herne
Slayers – Deutsche Ausgabe ab dem 10.09 im Crowdfunding
The Dee Sanction – deutsches Crowdfunding
Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden – Ein Turbo-Fate-Rollenspiel Crowdfunding am 30.04.2024 um 20:54.
Uhrwerk bittet um Hilfe
DisplacerCon 2024 – Ein Muss für alle Pen&Paper-Fans in Herne
Slayers – Deutsche Ausgabe ab dem 10.09 im Crowdfunding
The Dee Sanction – deutsches Crowdfunding
Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden – Ein Turbo-Fate-Rollenspiel Crowdfunding am 30.04.2024 um 20:54.