Neues von Whitesilver Publishing
hitesilver Publishing neue Produkte für Chronicles of Ramlar an. Divine Might behandelt die Götterwelt auf Ramlar, die One-on-One Quests sind Szenarien zwischen dem Spielleiter und einem Spieler basierend auf einer bestimmten Charakterklasse und unterstützt somit das hauseigene Demeanor/Theme eine Art lvl-Progressionssystem das sich nicht an Punkten orientiert sondern lediglich am durchgeführten Rollenspiel welches jeder Spieler in Absprache mit dem SL und ev. den anderen Spielern für sich selbst definiert.
„Chronicles of Ramlar: Divine Might
Explore the myths and pantheon of Eranon in Divine Might! Detailing all of the Aleri and Eleri, this sourcebook examines the history and infrastructure of every religion, from hierarchy to the deity’s planar realm, as well as tenets, allies, oppositions, and magic. Discover why these entities are integral to the world, how they can augment the favored with new divine boons, or thunder their wrath down on the unfortunate. Divine Might lifts back the veil between the mortal and immortal to reveal the machinations and most private agendas of every god. Without it, you don’t have a prayer. For The Chronicles of Ramlar fantasy role-playing game. 220+ pages.
One-on-One Quests
Each One-on-One Quest is a compact adventure scenario designed for a single player and a Game Master — perfect for a quick run when other players failed to show up (or send everyone on concurrent adventures)! Every quest is created for a specific character path. Thus, a wizard can uncover the curse of the Devouring Library, a rogue may become a kingmaker in the city of Corbesk, a warrior must pass Taransali’s test of arms, a merthwarg will step into the hidden valley of Saanaima, and a sevar gets to brave a forgotten temple alone… “