Cubicle 7 Entertainment
Chronicle City is expanding its operations with the hiring-on of James ‚Grim‘ Desborough as the Creative Director of the company alongside its founder, Angus Abranson. James will have particular focus on developing new intellectual properties for the company, overseeing product line development and moving forward with licensed properties as the company matures and develops. „I am excited – and nervous – to be working for Chronicle City. I have known Angus a great many years and have worked for and with him in various guises in the past. I believe Chronicle City has the potential to become a...
neues Herr der Ringe RPG Bam! Der Rollenspielgemeinde wird ein neues Herr der Ringe Rollenspiel beschehrt. Cubicle 7 Entertainment und Sophisticated Games haben in einer Pressemitteilung angekündigt das derzeit an dem Rollenspiel The One Ring: The Lord of the Rings® Role-playing Game gearbeitet wird....