Richtig geil oder? April 4, 2013: Would You Like To Be Acquired? To make a long story short: I’d like to plow some Munchkin money back into the game hobby. Here’s a very direct invitation. If you’ve been publishing good games, and you know it, but you would like to cash out . . . or if you want to keep creating games but would rather be part of an operation with a 30-year track record and a good health plan . . . talk to me. This is not „Hey, everybody, I’m looking for random submissions!“ Really, it’s not....
Juhu und da geht es schon los mit den ersten Video-Interviews von Dorp-Tv zur Spielemesse2012. Erster Interviewpartner ist Pegasus Spiele mit Shadowrun & Cthulhu, Steve Jackson Games & Munchkin ausserdem auch shcon online das Video zu Schnutenbach dem universellen Rollenspielhintergund von Karl-Heinz Zapf...