Die Zukunft von ICONS
ICONS ist ein kleines feines Superheldenrollenspiel zu dem einiges an Material herausgebracht wurde. Nun gibt es einen Verlagswechsel wie Adamant Entertainment heute vermeldete: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ad Infinitum Adventures Acquires Icons Superpowered Roleplaying September 5, 2012 – Ad Infinitum Adventures, a new publisher of tabletop roleplaying (RPG) content announces the acquisition of the Icons Superpowered Roleplaying game from previous publisher Adamant Entertainment. “Icons is a phenomenal game, and one that deserves far more focus and attention than Adamant is currently able to devote to it,” says Gareth-Michael Skarka, director of Adamant Entertainment. “With our growing focus on transmedia development for...
and the EnNie goes to
Best Adventure Madness at Gardmore Abbey (Wizards of the Coast) *Silver Winner* Streets of Zobeck (Open Design) *Gold Winner* Best Aid/Accessory GameMastery Chase Cards (Paizo Publishing) *Silver Winner* Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any RPG (Engine Publishing) *Gold Winner* Best Art, Cover Cthulhu by Gaslight (Chaosium Inc.) *Silver Winner* Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beginner Box (Paizo) *Gold Winner* Best Art, Interior Dragon Age: Set 2 (Green Ronin) *Silver Winner* The One Ring: Adventures Over the Edge of the Wild (Cubicle 7) *Gold Winner* Best Blog Gaming as Women *Silver Winner* Gnome Stew *Gold Winner* Best Cartography Madness at Gardmore Abbey (Wizards of the Coast) *Silver Winner* Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Jade Regent Map Folio (Paizo) *Gold Winner* Best Electronic Book GURPS Social Engineering (Steve Jackson Games) *Silver...
Marvel RPG
Superhelden Rollenspiel Mit Serenity hat Margaret Weis Productions damals mein Herz erobert. Mittlerweile ist aus dem damals noch hackeligen Rollenspielsystem ein wohl flüssiges Cortex-System...